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An address from the ladies of the provinces of Munster and Leinster, to their Graces the Duke and Duchess of D-t, Lord G---, and Caiaphas the High Priest. together with Sixty New Original to asts, drank by the Ladies at their last Assembly, held at Lady Drumlove's Great Anti-Chamber, at Patriet-Green, near Country-Square, next Door to Chastity-Ally, on Thursday Night 7th Inst. February; particularly with the Toasts of the Countess of K----re, Countess of Ty--ne, Lady C-x, the late P--me S----t's Lady, and of Mrs. H---l--n. To which are added, Some Love-Letters which passed between Caiaphas and his Favourite Ganymede C---m---, which were intercepted by a Country-Scout, as they were going to the Postern-Office, in Back-Lane, near Indorsment Meeting-House.
Social Sciences
printed for John Pro-Patriâ, at the sign of Vivat Rex, near the King's Arms, and sold by the Country Stationers
London [i.e. Dublin?]