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Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1708. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5657. But by the Account of Holy Scripture, 5670. It being the Bissextile or Leap-Year. And the Nineteenth of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery and Arbitrary Government: But the Twelfth from the Horrid Popish Jacobite Plot In which is contained Things fitting for such a Work: As the Diurnal Motion of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and the Four Quarters of the Year. A Nativity of a violent Death. An Offer about the Division of the Heavens, proving this in general Use false and groundless; and desiring they that Use it would Amend it. Also a merry Story of a Conjurer at Addgate, that alters Constitutions, &c. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Longitude Latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 Minutes. By John Partridge, Student in Physick and Astrology, at the Blue Bull in Salisbury-Street in the Strand, London.
Partridge, John (1644-1715)
General Reference
printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers