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The pall-Mall miscellany. Containing many curious pieces in prose and verse; with variety of new songs, adapted to old ballad tunes and country dances. Amongst about 20 others are the following. viz. The Rape of the Golden Hair; or, the Defeat of P. Alexis by the Miller's Wife. A facetious Ballad. To the Tune of, To all you Ladies now on Land. The Tryal of Mr. Harvey of Chippenham in Wiltshire, for having Criminal Conversation with the Wife of Mr. Gouldney, an Attorney of Chippenham aforesaid. Try'd at the Sittings of the Common. Pleas, Westminster, on Friday, Jan. 28. 1731-2, for which the Plaintiff recover'd 1000 l. Damage. The Irish Absentees new Litany and the Character of an Irish Absentee. Inscrib'd to the E. of I-q-n. The Lucky Dwarf; or, the Marriage of a young Lady-Lord to a Carbuncle, Rich Heiress. A Ballad. To the Tune of, Packington's Pound. The Maiden-Wife; or, Nature Padlock'd; being a curious Poem on a certain young Dutchess who was made a Woman by Art, and restored to her Duke some Time after Seperation. Advice from L. H-y to Miss M-d-ws. The Six frisky Maids; or, the Amours of P. Alexis. A new Ballad. To the Tune of, Pretty Parrot say, &c. A new Court Ballad. To the Tune of, Of a noble Race was Shinkin. The Chaste Lovers; or, Kissing more Substantial than Coition. On discovering a Maiden Lady sleeping with her Face veil'd in a Morning. By a Youth. Two Satyrs or Marriage, and one on a Female Mischief-Maker. A Funeral Poem on the Death of Mrs. Gascoigne.
General Reference
London printed: and Dublin: reprinted by Christopher Dickson in the Post-Office-Yard