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The picture gallery. Containing near two hundred paintings by the most distinguished ladies in Great Britain. Among which are the following Capital Pieces, Bamfield Moore Carew, - - - by Lady B-d. The Widow Brady, - - - - by Dowager Lady A-r. Jane Shore, - - - - - - by Lady B-ke. The Libertine reclaimed, - - - by the D-ss of C-d. Captain Macheath, - - - - by the Dowager C-ss of C-Lie. The Highland Laddie, - - - by Lady S-h B-y. The Rake's Progress, - - - - by Lady C-s. Baucis, - - - - - - - by P-ss A-a. Cymon and Iphigene, - - - - by Duchess of D-re. The Careless Husband, - - - - by Ditto. Lady Brute, - - - - - by Lady F-l-th. Hope, - - - - - - - by the Countess of Ab-d-n. Jobson and Nell, - - - - - by Duchess of G-r. Old Margaret, - - - - - by Mrs. Gr-h-m, late Mrs. Mac-y. The Sweepstakes, - - - - - by Dowager D-ss of A-r. An old Woman cloathed in Gray, - by Lady G-ch. Venus making Love, - - - - by the Honorable Mrs. H-b-t. Lavinia bathing, - - - - - by Miss H-m. Jephtha's Daughter bewailing her Virginity, by Countess of J-y. Lady Godina riding through Coventry, by Quondam Lady L-r. Bess of Bedlam, - - - - - by Lady N-th. An English Seraglio, - - - - by the Countess of O-y. Pandora's Box, - - - - - by Lady R-s. Diana Trapes, - - - - - by Lady John S-Ile. Robinetta, - - - - - - by Dowager C-ss of B-m-re. Saint Austin out of his Wits, - - by Mrs. W-b-t-n. Desdemona, - - - - - - by Lady T-d. The Torch of Hymen, - - - - by C-ss Dowager of B-l. Fatima (in Cymon) - - - - by the D-ss of G- -n. Castor and Pollux, - - - - by the C-ss of H- - -n, &c. &c. To which are added, critical strictures upon each piece.
Social Sciences
printed for G. Kearsly, at No 46, in Fleet-Street