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The gentleman's complete book-keeper: containing, I. Rules and directions for keeping books after the modern way. II. Examples of various Kinds of Books for keeping an Accompt of Landed Estates, Rents of Houses, &c. in the most concise and eligible Manner. III. The current Prices of Church and Laymens Estates all over England, whether in Fee, or Copyholds, Leaseholds, Lives, Widowhoods, enfranchising Copyholds, changing of Lives, Advowsons, Reversions, &c. IV. Methods whereby a Gentleman may cast up the Value of any of the above-named Estates by Common Arithmetick. V. Advice about Purchases in general. VI. A specimen of a rental book, Cash Book, Journal and Leger, of an Estate kept after the Merchants Way of keeping their Books, commonly called the Italian Method, or Double Entry. Written Originally for the Use of his own Pupils, By Richard Hayes, accomptant, In Queen-Street, Cheapside. Author of the Negotiators Magazine.
Hayes, Richard, accomptant and writing-master
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Noon, at the White Hart, near Mercers Chapel in Cheapside