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A catalogue of thirty thousand volumes, (with the Prices printed) of Several libraries Just purchas'd; Particularly the Library of William Kynaston, Esq; Late one of the Masters in Chancery; The ingenious Mr. Josiah Martin, Praeceptor of the Modern Languages, Mathematicks, &c. to great Numbers of the Nobility; As also, the Libraries of W. Glanvil, Esq; the Revd. Mr. Jackson, And several others. Amongst which are a Collection of fine Prints and Drawings by the most eminent Masters; the Greek and Roman Classicks; Antiquities, Histories, Voyages, &c. A large Collection of French, Italian and Spanish; several Hundred Volumes of Manuscripts, and almost a complete Collection of Law Books. Which will begin to be sold, At T. Osborne's, in Gray's-Inn, (for ready Money only) On Tuesday the 9th of May, 1749, and on Account of the Largeness of the Sale, will be continued selling on every Day till the first of August. Gentlemen may be supplied with this Catalogue by Mr. Rollin at Paris, Mr. Vanderhoeck at the Hogue, Wetstein and Co. and Mortier at Amsterdam; and by all the Booksellers in every noted Town in England, Scotland and Ireland; by whom Commissions are taken in, and at the Place of Sale, where may be had Money for any Library or Parcel of Books. There are about two Thousand Sermons preached by the most eminent Divines, to be sold at 2s per Dozen; and likewise, some curious Manuscript Sermons warranted Originals.
Osborne, Thomas (d. 1767)
Literature and Language
[London ]