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To be sold by auction, At the Royal Exchange Coffee-House, Sweeting's-Alley, Cornhill, On Thursday, March 15. 1770. Immediately after the Sale of jewels, &c. The Genuine and Curious Collection of Gold, Silver, and Copper, British and Saxon coins and medals of Mr. Jasper Bull, deceased, Late Secretary to the New-River Company; By Order of the Executor of Mr. William Bull. To be viewed at the said Coffee-House on Tuesday and Wednesday the 13th and 14th, from Ten O'Clock till Two, and on Thursday the Day of Sale, from Ten till One. Catalogues to be had at the Bank Coffee-House in Threadneedle Street; Old Slaughter's in St. Martin's-Lane; Goldsmith's in Gutter-Lane; and at the Place of Sale. Conditions of sale. Twenty - Cent. to be paid at the Time of Sale, and the Remainder within Eight Days; and if any Lots remain uncleared after the Time limited, the Deposit Money to be forfeited, and the Goods resold; and if any Loss arises by the Re-Selling, the Loss to be made good by the first Purchaser, together with the Charges of Re-Selling the same. If any Dispute arises, the Lot in Dispute shall be put up again, or decided by the Company The Goods to be taken from the broker's, at No. 7, Coleman-Street-Buildings, any Day from Nine in the Morning till Twelve. Lot 1 30 Coins, Roman, Saxon, British, &c. 2 250 ditto Roman, Saxon, &c. 3 250 ditto 4 250 ditto 5 13 Coins of James II. Irish Money, and 43 other Coins 6 13 ditto, and 43 other Coins 7 171 antient Saxon Coins, &c. 8 A fine Copper Medal of King Stanislaus, Queen Mary II. and 4 ditto of Popes 9 Ditto of King Charles I. and 4 ditto of Popes 10 A Queen Ann's Farthing in high Preservation 11 12 Silver and 12 Copper Roman and Saxon Coins, &c. 12 15 Silver English Coins, viz. Henry VII. & VIII. Edward VI. Philip and Mary, Mary I. Elizabeth, James I. Charles I. Oliver Cromwell, Charles II. James II. William and Mary, William III. Anne, George I. & II. 13 44 Silver English and Foreign Coins, some in high Preservation of Edward, Elizabeth, Cromwell, &c. 14 42 ditto 15 40 ditto 16 8 Silver Coins from Cromwell to George II. 17 A fine Silver Medal of Queen Anne, and 7 others 18 Ditto 19 Ditto 20 A remarkable fine large Silver Medal of George I. 21 A Coin of Oliver Cromwell, remarkably preserved, of the Year 1658 22 1 Gold Coin of Queen Elizabeth, and 9 others ditto 23 1 ditto Oliver Cromwell, and 9 ditto 24 2 ditto Charles II. and George II. 25 3 ditto, Queen Anne, William and Mary, and George I. 26 2 ditto, Charles II. and William and Mary 27 2 ditto, James II and William III. 28 2 ditto, Queen Anne and George II. 29 2 ditto Medals of Princess Elizabeth and Queen Anne 30 1 ditto, Charles II. and his Queen Catherine 31 A fine Queen Anne's Farthing in Gold, in high Preservation 32 A very fine Bust of one of King Charles I's Generals 33 A miniature of a young Bacchanalian, sundry Flies, &c. 34 A Cabinet for Medals 35 Ditto John Saulnier, Sworn-Broker, Who Buys and Sells (by Commission) jewels, plate, &c. By private, as well as public Contract.
Saulnier, John
Fine Arts
[London ]