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The country man's companion: or, some meditations on the valuableness of a precious soul, how and by whom it is recover'd from a lost and undone State, searched for in holy Scriptures. Likewise some marks of counterfeit grace, with some marks of real and saving grace. Lastly, some meditations on death, with some Assaults made by Death and the Devil upon a Believer when dying, with the Believer's Answers to them, and his Victory over all Enemies at Death, looking Forward to the Resurrection. All by way of Conference. Composed to common metre, for the Use of the Country, by Thomas Dowie Schoolmaster at Logie in Fife, Author of a Poem on the Sufferings of Christ, printed about Twenty Years ago.
Dowie, Thomas
Literature and Language
printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, for the author