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A new historical catachism, containing witty answers to several questions of many wonderful matters in ancient history. I. Shewing the light of the Heathen world. II. The confession and decease of Oracles. III. The miracles that happened at our Saviour's birth. IV. The usurpation of Herod to the Kingdom of Judea by treachery. V. The many great and cruel murders committed by him together with the way and manner of murdering the childeren of Bethlehem VI. an account of his miserable death, with the miserable deaths of his successors. VII. The death of Herodias and her dancing daughter. VIII. The death of Pontius Pilate, and Nero the Roman Emperor. IX. The destruction of Jerusalem, with the number of those that died in the siege, as likewise, the number of those that was sent to be put to death as the Emperor pleased for his own diversion X. Josephus and the Roman account of our Saviour. XI. The Life and Death of Simon Magus. XII. A remarkable story of the Great mogul and a divining ape, ... a wonderful apparition that happened at mahomets tomb. and other very remarkable things. The captivities of Jerusalem lamented; or, a plain description of Jerusalem, from Joshua's time to this year of Christ, by Scripture, and Ancient History.
Religion and Philosophy
printed by T. Martin, Book-Binder, and Pocket Book maker, No. 76, Wood-Street, Cheapside, London