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A catalogue of a very large collection of good books, In most Languages, and in all Branches of Learning; Being the Libraries of Gibson Dalzell, Esq; The Rev. Mr. Davis, and of Dr. Woodhouse, &c. lately deceas'd. The Books are in fine Condition. Amongst which are the following: Journals House Commons, 23 vol. Guthry, Rapin and Echard's Hist. Eng. Madoxe's Works, 4 vol. Clarendon's Rebellion, l. p. 3 vol. gilt leaves. Horsley's Britannia Romana. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Enderbie's Hist. Wales. Moreton's Northamptonshire. Chauncey's Hertfordshire. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire. Burton's Leicestershire. Tanner's Notitia Monastica. Thurloe's State Papers, 7 vol. Honbraken's Heads of illust. Men. Wood's Antiq. of Palmyra. Mariana's Hist. of Spain. Mezeray's Hist. France. Duncan's Caesar. Bacon, Temple, Locke, and Milton's Works. Picart's Ovid, fine Cuts. Shakespeare's Works, 1st Edit. Travels, &c. by Harris, Pococke, Shaw, Churchill, Wheeler, Lebruyn, &c. Guicciardini Hist. D'italia, 2 tom. Tasso, con fig. - Ven. 1745 Opere di Tasso, 6 tom. Coneral Dictionary, 10 vol. Chambers and Supplement, 4 vol. Postlethwaite's Dictionary, 2 vol. Bayle's Dictionary, l. p. 5 vol. in Turkey. New Dict. Arts and Sciences, 2 vol. Ainsworth's Dict. 2 vol. Portuguese and Eng. Dict. Hen. Stephani Thesaur. 5 t. ch. max. Somner's Saxon Dict. Which will begin to be Sold very cheap, for Ready Money only, On Monday, January 24, 1757, and continue till all are Sold, By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, In Castle-Street, next the Upper Mews Gate, near St. Martin's Church. Catalogues, with the Prices printed, Price 6 l. To be had of the following Booksellers; viz. Mr. Stahan, Cornhill; Mr. Payne, Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr. Lewis, Covent-Garden; Mr. Brindley, New Bond-Street; Mr. Jackson, St. James's street; Mr. Matthews, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale: Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books.
Payne, Thomas (1752-1831)
Literature and Language
[London ]