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A new, plain, methodical and compleat Italian grammar vvhereby you may very soon attain to the perfection of the Italian Tongue, dedicated Alphabetically to the worthy English gentlemen, merchants at Legorne Viz to Mr. Cristopher Michel. M. Daniel Gould. M. Edvvard Nelthorpe. M. Fisher Jackson. M. Francis Arundel. M. George Colling. S.r George Davies Bar.t M. George Lambe. M. George Rivers. M. Gilbert Serle. M. Humphry Chetham. Mr. James Harriman. M. James Paitfield. M. John Horsey. M. Jonathan Basket. M. Richard Frome. M. Samuel Lambert. M. Samuel Thorold. M. Thomas Balle. Thomas Chãberlayne Esquire. M. Thomas Dorman. M. Vvilliam Bury. By Henry Pleunus Master of the Latin, French, Italian, German, and English Tongue.
M.D.CCII. Printed by James Valsisi Printer to the Great Duke of Thuscany: and are to be sold by the author