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A vindication of Mr. George Buchanan in two parts. part I. Vindicating him from the vile aspersion cast on him by Camden, That he repented, when dying, of what he wrote against Mary Queen of Scots: Which Falshood has been since retailed and propagated by Messieurs Sage and Ruddiman. Part II. Vindicating him from the horrible ingratitude he is charged with to Q. Mary, in extolling her so high in his Dedication of his Paraphrase of the Psalms, and thereafter writing so bitterly against her in the Detection and History. With, An Appendix, Containing a Letter from the Illustrious Mons. de Thou President of the Parliament of Paris, to Mr. William Camden, relating to Q. Mary's Reign, and apologizing for his following Buchanan in his Narration thereof: With a Translation of that Letter.
Love, John (1695-1750)
History and Geography
printed by Thomas Lumisden and Company, and sold by the booksellers in town