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A catalogue of the valuable collection of pictures, prints, A small Library of good books, &c. Late the Property of Samuel Harding, Esq. Deceased, (brought from his House at Edgeware,) Comprising undoubted works by Tintoret, Veronese, Rubens, Rembrandt, Wynants, Ruysdael, De Neef, Breughel, Du Jardin, J. Meil, Vanderwerf, Q. Metzius, Bakhuisen, De Vlieger, Vanderneer, Watteau, Panini, Zuccarellie, Vandermeulen, Gainsborough, Morland, Ibbetson, Schweickhardt, Rathbone, &c. Particularly, A capital Picture of St. Michael, by Guido, and A ditto of the Crucifiction, by Gasper Crayer, &c. Which will be sold by auction, (by order of the executors,) By Mr. Greenwood, At his Room in Leicester-Square, On Wednesday the 2d of June, 1790, And following Day, at Twelve O'Clock. - To be viewed on Monday and Tuesday preceding the Sale. Conditions of sales as usual.
Greenwood, John (1727-1792)
Fine Arts
Printed by H. Reynell, No. 21, Piccadilly, near the Hay-Market