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Atlas ouranios, the coelestial atlas; or, a new ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1781. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. Wherein are contained The Heliocentrick and Geocentrick Places of the Planets, the Eclipses of the Luminaries, and other remarkable Phaenomena that will happen this Year. Carefully computed From the genuine Tables of Dr. Edmund Halley, late Regius Professor of Astronomy, and Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford. Also a Compleat Almanack, containing the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England; the Times of the Lunations; the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, &c. Adapted to the Meridian and Latitude of the ancient and honourable city of London. To which are added, Several useful Tables: As, a Table of the Sun's Declination; a Table by which the Times of the Sun's Rising and Setting may be known by Inspection, on every Day in the Year, and in any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland: a Tide-Table, and a very correct one of the Eclipses of Jupiter's first Satelles; and, lastly, an exact Table of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of Thirty of the most remarkable fixed Stars: Taken from Mr. Flamsteed's Catalogue. By Robert White, Teacher of the Mathematicks.
White, Robert (1693-1773)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall, in Ludgate-Street