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The rudiments of physick clearly and accurately describ'd and explain'd, in the most easy and familiar Manner, by Way of Dialogue between a Physician and his Pupil. Under the following heads, viz. I. Physiology: Or, The Nature and Principles of Physick in general. II. Hygiena: Which treats of Health, and discovers proper Means, and Remedies, for the Preservation of it. III. Pathology: Which considers the Diseases of the Body and Mind; their Causes, Nature, Symptoms, &c. IV. Semeiotica: Which treats of the Signs and Indications of Health and Disease. V. Therapeuticks: Which is employ'd in finding out Remedies for Diseases; and the Method of applying them to perfect a Cure. To which are added, some methods of cure in most diseases, both Acute and Chronical, according to the Practice of Dr. Pitcairn, Boerhaave; Mead, and others. First collected from the instructions of a celebrated professor of medicine in the Royal Academy of Paris: and since improv'd from the best authors, Ancient and Modern; by John Groenvelt, M.D. Now first translated from the Latin, revised, and corrected in the most accurate manner.
Groeneveld, Joannes (1647-1710?)
Medicine, Science and Technology
Printed for R. Goadby, in Sherborne; and W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, London