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David's prophecy; relating to C--b--ge, (found among the papers of a certain rabbi, famous for a Collection of all the Prophecies from the Beginning of the World to this Day.) With an account of its accomplishment in that U-y. By Isaac Van-Sampson, A learned Dutch Commentator. Dedicated to the V- C-r, H-ds, and Mr. B- the P-r. In the introduction to this undertaking, these following points are chiefly considered. I. That the use and intent of this prophecy of David, is to shew that the transactions at C-ge are the immediate work of G---d, and are accountable for on this Principle and no other, and is to be drawn from single and separate Predictions, gathered from the Psalms of David, and applied independently on each other to the several Acts and Circumstances of the V-C-r, P-r, and the H-ds, as so many distinct Proofs of their being the Ministers only of God's Vengeance. II. That by this Means the Characters of these Gentlemen are cleared from those ill-natured Aspersions thrown upon them in the News-Papers, and those libellous Pamphlets the F-gm-ts. III. The Dispute between the B-p of L-n and his Friend Dr. M-n on Prophecy, is considered, and it is shown how far our's is concerned in that Dispute. IV. Thomas L-nd-n's Letter on the late Earthquakes, is shown to be greatly concerned in our Prophecy, and many useful Consequences are drawn from that most useful Work.
Waller, William (1671 or 2-1750)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for the author, and sold by John Doughty near St. Paul's, London