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An historical account of the many signal naval atchievements obtained by the English over the Spaniards, from the year 1350 to the present time. containing All the Expeditions, Voyages, and Adventures, of the following Admirals, Captains, and Commanders, of the English Nation. Viz. Capt. Hawkins, Sir Frangis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Richard Greenvil, Earl of Cumberland, Admiral Cavendish, Admiral Howard, Sir John Norris, Earl of Essex, Sir Richard Levison, Sir William Monson, Admiral Blake, Admiral Bembow, Sir George Rooke, Sir John Leake, Sir Charles Wager, Admiral Byng, Lord Cobham, Sir John Jennings, Admiral Hosier, &c. To which is added, some remarkable speeches in Parliament on the Spanish depredations: with an Introduction on the Present Posture of Affairs.
printed for J. Torbuck in Clare-Court, Drury-Lane