Ornament Details
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A catalogue of books, in various languages, arts and sciences, containing several entire libraries very lately purchased, including a good collection of classics, law books, and fugitive tracts, which will be selling very reasonable At the Prices printed in the catalogue, February, 1782, And continue on Sale, 'till all are sold By Samuel Hayes, bookseller, No. 332, in Oxford Street, next the Corner of Argyll Street. (removed from Holborn) Who gives the full Value for Libraries and Parcels of Books, Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale, and of the following Booksellers; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Brown, Strand, Corner of Essex-Street; Sewell, Cornhill; and J. Hayes, No. 252, Holborn: Also of the Booksellers in most of the Market Towns in England.