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The expeditious accountant; or, cyphering rendered so short, that half the trouble attending the common methods is saved, in most occurrences; and so easy, that a Person of moderate Capacity may learn with very little Assistance from a Master; the Rules given being plain, the Examples properly illustrated, and Numbers of Questions, with their Answers, being annexed to them, to exercise the Learner. A Very Curious Work, Totally different from all that have preceded it. In five parts. By Nicholas Salmon, Master of the Academy, Red-Lion-Street, Clerkenwell; And Author of The French Teacher's Assistant, and of The Rules for the French Genders.
Salmon, Nicholas
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author; and sold by him at his Academy as above; also by Messrs. Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, in Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Lowndes, in Fleet-Street; Messrs, Richardson and Urquhart, Royal-Exchange; Mr. Riley, Curzon-Street, May-Fair; and by all the booksellers in town and country