Ornament Details
tailpiece, horse, rider, altar, lance, arrow, shield, eagle, spear, foliage, man, person
Fifteen discourses upon the following subjects, Viz. The Dignity and Humiliation of the Son of God. The Resurrection of Christ. The Exaltation of Christ; and the Descent of the Holy Ghost. The Certainty of a future Judgment. The Goodness of God Almighty. The Triumphs of a true Christian Faith. The Necessity of Christian Practice in order to Happiness, and the Certainty of Happiness upon Christian Practice, The Worship of God in the Beauty of Holiness explain'd, and enforc'd. The Duty of mutual Love explain'd and enforc'd. The happy Consequences of Afflictions to sincere Christians. The Treatment which Persons in Distress meet with from their Acquaintance and Enemies consider'd and dissuaded from. To which is subjoin'd, A brief enquiry into the causes why the word preach'd doth not profit; together, with a Consideration of the Folly and Danger of being influenc'd by 'em. By Stephen Clarke, M. A. Rector of Barythorpe in Yorkshire.
printed by John Applebee, and sold by W. Mears at the Lamb without Temple-Bar