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The history of the city and county of Norwich, containing it's original rise and increase, it's antient and present government, with the various accidents that have happen'd to it; the foundations of the cathedral, Castle, Parochial Churches, Monasteries, Hermitages, Hospitals, and other publick Buildings. A Description of the Streets, Walls, River, remarkable Houses, and other Things never before taken Notice of by any Author. The Lives of the Bishops, Priors, Deans, & other eminent Men, either born or inhabiting there. Lists of the Provosts, Bailiffs, Mayors, Sheriffs, Burgesses in Parliament, & other Officers of the Corporation; with an Account of the Benefactions to publick Uses. The Inscriptions, Arms, & Monuments, in the Churches and publick Buildings; with the History of all the Villages within the County of Norwich, and their antient and present State. Collected from the Registers, Charters, and Evidences of the See, and from those of the Corporation now extant in the Gild-Hall; as also from various Mss. Registers, Collections, & other Memorials, in diverse Hands, By Francis Blomefield, Rector of Fersfield in Norfolk.
Blomefield, Francis (1705-1752)
History and Geography
Printed at Norwich in the year of our Lord