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An Act for redeeming the duties and revenues which were settled to pay off principal and interest in the orders made forth on four lottery Acts passed in the ninth and tenth years of Her late Majesties reign; and for redeeming certain annuities payable on orders out of the hereditary excise, according to a former Act in that behalf; and for establishing a general yearly fund, not only for the future payment of annuities at several rates, to be payable and transferrable at the Bank of England, and redeemable by Parliament; but also to raise monies for such proprietors of the said orders as shall choose to be paid their principal and arrears of interest in ready money; and for making good such other deficiencies and payments as in this Act are mentioned; and for taking off the duties on linseed imported, and British linen exported.
printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd
[London ]