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The london art of cookery, and housekeeper's complete assistant. On a new plan. Made plain and easy to the Understanding of every Housekeeper, Cook, and Servant in the Kingdom. Containing, Proper Directions for the Choice of all Kinds of Provisions. Roasting and Boiling all Sorts of Butchers Meat, Poultry, Game, and Fish. Sauces for every Occasion. Soups, Broths, Stews, and Hashes. Made Dishes, Ragoos, and Fricassees. All Sorts of Pies and Puddlings. Proper Instructions for dressing Fruits and Vegetables. Pickling, Potting, and Preserving. The Preparation of Hams, Tongues, and Bacon. The whole Art of Confectionary. Tarts, Puffs, and Pasties. Cakes, Custards, Jams, and Jellies. Drying, Candying, and Preserving Fruits, &c. Made Wines, Cordial Waters, and Malt Liquors. To which is added, an appendix, Containing Considerations on Culinary Poisons; Directions for making Broths, &c. for the Sick; a List of Things in Season in the different Months of the Year; Marketing Tables, &c. &c. Embellished with a head of the author, and a bill of fare for every month in the Year, elegantly engraved on Thirteen Copper-Plates. By John Farley, Principal Cook At The London Tavern.
Farley, John (18th cent)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for John Fielding, No. 23, Pater-Noster Row; and J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, No. 12, Ave Maria Lane