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A short account of a course of natural and experimental philosophy. In which will be exhibted [sic] the experiments necessary for the explanation of natural philosophy in general, or the Properties of matter and the Laws by which it acts. Mechanics. Astronomy; or the Phaenomena arising from the Motion of the heavenly Bodies. Geography, and the Use of the Globes, &c. Optics; or the Science of Vision. Hydrostatics; or the Nature and Laws of Fluids explained. Pneumatics; explaining the surprising Properties of the Air, which depend upon its Pressure and Elasticity, its Rarefaction, Condensation, &c. Pneumatic-Chemistry, &c. &c. By J. Arden, teacher of experimental Philosophy at Beverley. The Charge of going thro' this course is One Guinea each, to be paid at the Time of subscribing, or at the first Lecture, and to begin as soon as Thirty, or more, have subscribed.
Arden, James (ca. 1739-1817)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by G. Prince