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Comes commercii, or, the trader's-companion. Containing I. An exact and useful Table, shewing the Value of any Quantity of Goods or Wares ready cast up, more adapted to Merchants Use than any other extant; which is demonstrated by Seventeen Examples, relating chiefly to Buying and Selling; with several new Additions and Improvements. II. A Table calculated for Universal Use, which Use is shewn in the Solution of Questions, in Multiplication, Division, Reduction, Merchandizing, and Measuring all Kinds of Superficies and Solids, or Gauging Vessels and Casks; rendered perfect and compleat. III. The Manner of casting up Dimensions in general, whether the same be taken in Inches, Feet and Inches, Yards, Perches, &c. and how to give the Answer by Reduction, Duo-Decimals, or Decimals, plainly and exactly. IV. The several Customs used by Surveyors and Measurers, in measuring Glass, Wainscot, Painting, Plaistering, Flooring, Tyling, Partitioning, Brick, or Stone-Work, &c. and the common Rate of such Work by the Rod, Yard, Foot, &c. V. Instructions for Entering Goods at the Custom-House, Inward, Outward, and by Certificate; with several material Clauses in such Statutes as sclate to Exportation and Importation. VI. Concerning Water-Side Business, and the Constitution of the Key Wharfs, Porters, &c. there: Also the Charge of Whatever Ligliterage, and Porterage, for Landing, Loading, Weighing, and Housing Goods, and coat is usually paid for the Use of the Warehouse at the Water-Side. Vii. Rules concerning Freight, Bills of Lading, Primage, and how the same is paid for, &c. Viii. Concerning Insuring Ships, Merchandizes, and Houses, and how to make Rates and Averages in case of Loss; with the Advantages of the Practice of Insuring in several Instances, with respect to foreign and Inland Trade; and many other things never before made Publick. To which is added, a supplement concerning Simple and Compound Interest, with Tables thereof at Three, Three and a half, Four, Five, &c. per Cent, and the Use and Manner of Calculating the same; and to make up Accompts of Mortgages, where the Mortgagee has received Rent, &c. The Whole adapted to the Use of Merchants and Traders, Lawyers, Surveyors, and Measurers of Building, &c. By Edward Hatton, gent.
Hatton, Edward (b. 1664?)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, R. Manby and H. Cox, J. Osborn, J. Davidson, H. Pemberton, B. Dod, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and A. Clarloe. [and 13 others in London]