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The factor's garland Containing, The Factor's Voyage to Turkey, where he found a dead Christian lying on the Ground, and gave fifty Pounds to have him buried. Also, how he gave a hundred Pounds for young Damsel's Life who was to be strangled, and carried her to London, and made her his Servant. How, when it was his Fortune to go Factor into that Country which govern'd by his Maid's Father, by a Garment of her flowering, which was on the Factor's Back, the Prince came to hear of his Daughter, whom he had lost three Years before; and told the Factor, if he would go back, and bring her alive, he should have her to Wife. How, as he was carrying her over to her Father's Country, the Captain of the Ship threw him over board in the Night; but there being an Island at hand, he saved his life. By what means he was conveyed from the Island, and what he was to give for his Passage to the Prince's Pallace, where he was received with Joy unspeakable, and soon after married to the young Princess. With other Things worthy of Note.
Literature and Language
sold by S. Gamidge, at Prior's Head Worcester