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An historical description of Westminster-Abbey, its monuments and curiosities. Containing 1. An Account of its Foundation and miraculous Consecration by St. Peter. 2. The various Changes it has undergone, from its first Establishment as a Christian Church, to the present Time. 3. A general View of all the Monuments erected therein; with an Abstract of their Inscriptions, so far as they tend to illustrate the History of the Persons for whom they were written. 4. Exact Copies of the best English Epitaphs, and Translations of the Latin. 5. Characters, Anecdotes, and Memoirs of the Lives of the Kings and principal Personages interred in the enclosed Chapels, or open Parts of this Abbey. 6. Observations on the Beauty and Propriety of the respective Monuments. 7. A particular Description of the Building, Beautifying, and Endowing Henry the Viith's Chapel, with the Ornaments belonging to it. 8. A general View of the Cloysters; with Copies of two remarkable Inscriptions there. 9. Translations of the Hebrew, Ethiopic and Greek Epitaphs in this Church, particularly those on the Tombs of Sir Samuel Morland's two Wives, never before attempted. Designed as a Guide to Strangers in viewing this venerable Pile, and to point out to them the most valuable Remains of Antiquity contained therein, as well as the Beauties of modern Statuaries. Note, This is the only perfect Account of the Monuments in Westminster-Abbey hitherto published.
Henry, David (1710-1792)
History and Geography
printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard