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Some proposals humbly offer'd to the Parliament of Great Britain, for easing the nation of the old navy-debt, (now the South-Sea-Debt) of ten millions sterling, Principal Money. For Greatly increasing Our Money (which is now sinking every Day); Securing the Ballance of Trade; Encouraging the Exportation of our own Product and Manufacture; Inriching our Lands; Augmenting the Publick Revenues; and Employing the Poor. By the First of which Proposals, the Nation will save in less than Fifteen Years and a half, near Four Millions of the Principal of that Heavy Debt, and cease Paying (for ever) an Interest of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds per Annum, (tho' by the present Methods, the Subject has no Prospect of ever having that Burden Lightned) which may now be done without a Spunge, or the least Breach of our Parliamentary-Faith. The whole proved, even to a Demonstration, by Tables hereunto annex'd, calculated with the greatest Care and Exactness. This Method, when practised in private Cases between Man and Man, will be very satisfactory to Creditors, and prevent the Ruin of Debtors.
Social Sciences
printed for R. Robinson, at the Golden Lyon, in St. Paul's Church-Yard