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A treatise on the teeth: wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given, the cause of their decay pointed out, and their various diseases enumerated. To which is added, the most effectual method of treating the disorders of the teeth and gums, Established by a long and successful Practice. By the Chevalier Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The eighth edition. To this treatise, the Chevalier Ruspini has added an account of his extraordinary balsamic styptic solution, with a list of the letters he has received from Persons of the first Character and Respectability, as well as Gentlemen of the Faculty, all uniformly testifying to its good Effects in internal and external Bleedings, and in many other Complaints.
Ruspini, Bartholomew (1728-1813)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author; and may be had at his house in Pall-Mall; of Mr. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and of Mr. Kearsley, Fleet Street.