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The true Amazons: or, the monarchy of bees. Being a new discovery and improvement of those wonderful creatures. Wherein is Experimentally Demonstrated, I. That they are all govern'd by a Queen. II. The Amazing Beauty and Dignity of her Person. III. Her extraordinary Authority and Power. IV. Their Exceeding Loyalty and unparallel'd Love to their Queen. V. Their Sex, Male and Female. VI. The Manner of their Breeding. Vii. Their Wars. Viii. Their Enemies, with Directions plain and easy how to manage them, both in Straw-Hives and Transparent Boxes; so that with laying out but Four or Five Pounds, in Three or Four Years, if the Summers are kind, you may get Thirty or Forty Pounds per Annum. Also how to make the English Wine or Mead, equal if not superior to the best of other Wines. By Joseph Warder of Croydon, Physician.
Warder, Joseph (fl. 1688-1718)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for John Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, and William Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row