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A brief description of the collegiate church and choir of St. Mary, in the Borough of Warwick; with a concise account of the antiquities and curiosities Of the Same, And of the Chapel thereto adjoining. Together with The tables of the several benefactions given to the said Church and Parish. To which is added, A particular detail of the Grand Solemnity with which the Earl of Leicester celebrated the French Order of St. Michael at Warwick, in the Year MDLXXI. By John Sabin, clerk of the parish of St. Mary. N. B. The Profits arising from the Sale of the Books are to be disposed of for the Use of the Charity Children of St. Mary's Parish, under the Inspection of the Vicar and Church-Wardens.
Sabin, John
Hands, John (18th cent)
History and Geography
printed by T. Luckman, near the Cross