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A new treatise on the art of grafting and inoculation. Wherein the different methods are copiously considered; The most successful pointed out; And Every Thing relative to these ancient, healthful, and agreeable Amusements, exhibited in so clear and comprehensive a Manner, as will enable those who are perfectly unacquainted with this Department of Gardening, to become Masters of it in a very short Time. To which are added, Directions for chusing the best Stocks for that Purpose. And many curious experiments lately made by the author. Calculated, in a peculiar Manner, For the Use and Advantage of the Gardener, as well as for those who would wish to make this rural and pleasing Exercise, a Part of their Amusement. By an experienced practitioner in this branch of gardening.
Experienced practitioner in this branch of gardening, grafting and inoculation
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed and sold by Collins and Johnson, for the author. Sold also by Fielding and Walker, in Pater-Noster Row, London