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The new dispensatory: containing, I. The elements of pharmacy. II. The materia medica, or an Account of the Substances employed in Medicine; with the Virtues and Uses of each Article, so far as they are warranted by Experience and Observation. III. The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeas; with such of the old ones as are kept in the Shops; the most celebrated foreign Medicines; the most useful of those directed in the Hospitals; sundry elegant extemporaneous Forms, &c. digested in such a Method as to compose a regular System of Pharmacy; with Remarks on their Preparation and Uses; the Means of distinguishing Adulterations; of performing the more difficult and dangerous Processes with Ease and Safety, &c. The whole interspersed with practical cautions and observations. By W. Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. The Fourth Edition, Corrected and Revised.
Lewis, William (1708-1781)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for C. Nourse, in the Strand