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The continuation or supplement, of The code of Bengal military regulations. Containing the orders of the honorable the court of directors: minutes of council and general orders, issued to the army on the Bengal establishment. Including those regarding his majesty's troops-from the end of the year 179[...]; (or the conclusion of the code.) to the 30th Nov 1799-either of a permanent or temporary nature, which have any reference to the constitution, or the disposition of the establishment, during that period. Also the existing rules and the orders of the garrison of Fort William;-of the general management of the military orphan institution: together with its bye laws;-the abstact [sic] tables of the whole of the several establishments: & the lists of general and field officers;-the regimental and army rank of the cavalry; engineers; artillery and infantry officers; list of the surgeon and assistant surgeons;-of the orphans of commissioned officers, since its first foundation, shewing how they have been, or are disposed of ;-and the "ordnance officers assistant" containing the weights and cubic measurement of military stores of all denominations, for tonnage;-post office regulations and rates of postage. Together, with a copious compendium, or digest of the whole-arranged under their appriopriate headings in alphabetical order;-with an index to them- and general references throughout. The whole revised and corrected, in the adjutant general's and other public offices, from the records. Compiled by Captain Henry Grace, major of brigade to the regiment of bengal artillery.
Grace, Henry, Captain
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by John Johnson, Hircarrah Press