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A pacquet from Parnassus: or, a collection of papers, Viz. I. An Essay on Variety. II. Advice to the Unfortunate. III. An Encomium on Prince Eugene, Dedicated to the French King, for the use of the Dauphin. In Latin. IV. The Whim, dedicated to a Kings, &c. V. The Modern Lawyer, in Imitation of Erasmus. VI. On the Descent of the Germans from the Alps to Verona, and their Ascent from the Aquaduct into Cremona. Vii A Prologue design'd for Tamerlane, but never spoke. Written by Doctor G. Viii. An Ode, in Imitation of Horace's 14th of the 2d Book, &c. By J. H. IX. A Bombastical Letter to a Bombastical Parson. X A Paradox in praise of War. XI. On the Art of Painting. XII. The Play-House: A Satyr. By T. G. Gent. XIII. On the Advancement of Poetry. XIV. On the Preference of Oronoko Tobaco by the Dutch. XV. The Dawn. Done out of Latin. XVI. On Content. In Latin and English XVII. On Eternity. XVIII. On the French King. In French, and English. XIX. On his late Majesty. Vol.I. Numb.II.
H. D.
Literature and Language
printed by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fanchurch-Street; and Sold by most Booksellers