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Commercial tables . Exhibiting a View of the Weights, Measures, Coins, and Monies of France, compared and equalized with those of Great Britain. Containing Tables of French and English Weights, - of English and French ditto, - of French and English Cloth Measure, - of English and French ditto, - of ditto . . . ditto . . Dry Measure, - of ditto . . . ditto . . Liquid Measure, - of Coins, - of Money. Exchanges; comprehending Eighty-One different Rates, being all the Variations which occur in the practice of Exchange, from 27 to 32 inclusive, from 1 Livre to 30 Thousand; And a General Table from 40 Thousand to 1 Million. A Ready Reckoner in French Money. A General Table of Duties payable on Goods and Merchandize Imported from France. Forms of Bills of Exchange-French and English. To which is added, an ample Extract from the Commercial Treaty concluded with France the 26th of September 1786, in the French and English Languages. By a British merchant, formerly resident in France.
British Merchant
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author by E. Easton, and sold by Messrs. Wilkie, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Debrett, Piccadilly; Kearsly, Fleet Street; and Dilly, Poultry, London