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An essay on external remedies. Wherein it is considered, whether all the curable distempers incident to human bodies, may not be cured by outward means. Founded upon the certain Experience, Observation, and Practice, both of Antients and Moderns. Where it is also made plain by Simple Mechanical Reasonings, that it is not absolutely necessary for Medicines to be communicated by the Mouth, as Aliment, or common Nourishment. Together with the Methodical Prescriptions, or particular Manner, of Curing the said Distempers. To which is added, some thoughts on the manner of chirurgical remedies operating in wounds and ulcers, or other common Applications in Surgery; that from manifest Observations in Practice it seems highly probable, they operate after the same manner as when taken at the Mouth. by P. Kennedy, Chir. Med.
Kennedy, Peter (b. 1685)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for Andrew Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill