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A complete geographical dictionary, or universal gazetteer; of ancient and modern geography: containing a full, particular, and accurate description of the known world; in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: Comprising a Complete System of Geography, Illustrated with correct maps and beautiful views of the principal cities, &c. and Chronological Tables of the Sovereigns of Europe. The geographical parts by John Seally, A. M. Member of the Roman Academy; Author of the Histoire Chronologique, Sacre'e et Profane; Elements of Geography and Astronomy, &c. &c. Interspersed with Extracts from the private Manuscripts of one of the Officers who accompanied Captain Cook in his Voyage to the Southern Hemisphere. the astronomical parts from the papers of the late Mr. Israel Lyons, of Cambridge; Astronomer in Lord Mulgrave's Voyage to the Northern Hemisphere. Vol. I. By the King's Royal Licence and Authority.
Seally, John (ca. 1747-1795)
History and Geography
printed for Scatcherd and Whitaker, Ave-mary Lane