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A survey of the Spanish-West-Indies. Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles on the continent of America: by Tho. Gage, gent. Giving an account of the Spanish navigatin thither; their Government, Castles, Ports, Commodities, Religion, Priests and Friers, Negro's, Mulatto's, Mesliso's, Indians; and of their Feasts and Solemnities. Also His own Voyage from Spain to S. John de Ulbua; and thence to Xalapa, Tlaxcalla, Ciudad de los Angelos, and Mexico: With a Description of that great City, as in former times, and at present. Likewise His Journey thence through Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guate mala, Vera Paz, &c. with his abode XII. years about Guatemala, and an Account of his Return into his Native Country England: Describing Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panatna, Porto bello, Cartagena and Havana. With a grammar, or some few Rudiments of the Indian tongue, called Poconchi or Pocoman. With an exact map of the country.
Gage, Thomas (1603?-1656)
History and Geography
printed for Thomas Horne, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange