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A catalogue of books. In divinity, history, law, physick, mathematicks, poetry, classicks, &c. Being ... Libraries; the one of a young Clergyman, lately deceas'd; and the other of a Gentleman To be sold very cheap, the lowest Prices being incerted in the Catalogue; at the sign of the Feathers in Wheeler-Gate, Nottingham. The Sale to begin on Monday the 22d of August 1743, exactly at 8 of the Clock in the Morning, and none to be sold out of the Catalogue before that Time; but may be viewed 3 Days before the Sale begins, The Sale to continue 8 Days and no longer: And after that time none to be sold but at an advanc'd Price. N. B. Most of the Books in this Catalogue are an clean as new; exceeding well bound; and many of them gilt and letter'd; if otherwise the Condition, with the Imperfections is express'd in the Catalogue, that Gentleman at a distance, may send Commissions and not be deceiv'd. Catalogues to be had (gratis) a [sic] the place of sale, and at M. Unwin's in Leicester.
General Reference
Mathew Unwin, printer and bookbinder
[Leicester ]