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A catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of books, and curious tracts, chiefly relative to English history, many of them elegantly bound in Morocco, Russia, &c. among them are Chauncy's Herefordshire, Atkin's Gloucester, large paper, Thoroton's Nottingham, Bridges's Northamptonshire, Nash's Worcestershire, Sandford's Genealogical History, Tanner's Notitia Monastica, Chronicles by Fabian and Froissart, best Edition, D'anville's Atlas, Biographica Brittannica, by Dr. Kippis, &c. Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, illustrated with curious Portraits, Memoirs de Grammont, Lord Orford's Works, large paper, Strutt's Antiquities of England, Archalogia, Vetusta Monumenta, published by the Antiquarian Society. - The Tracts consist chiefly of the Time of Charles I. and the Common-Wealth; many of them with uncommon Wood-Cuts and Portraits, Which will be Sold by Auction, By Mr. Richardson, At his House, No. 31, the Corner of Villier-Street, in the Strand, On Wednesday, January 22, 1800, And the Six following Days, at 12 o'clock.