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The kentish companion: or, useful memorandum and accompt book, for the pocket or desk, for the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three. Addressed to the Gentlemen, Clergy, Farmers, Hop-Planters, And Tradesmen, Of the county of Kent. On a Plan entirely new, and adapted in the most convenient Manner for every daily Transaction and other occasional Business. Containing, I. A List of all the Holidays and other Festivals in the Year; Days of transferring and accepting Stock in the public Funds; with a List of Holidays observed at public Offices. II. Fifty-Two double Pages properly disposed to keep an Account of Monies received and paid. III. An accurate List of ecclesiastical Livings in this County, with the Names of their respective Patrons. IV. Tables of the Gross Weight of Hops reduced into Neat Weight. V. Tables, shewing the true Value of any Quantity of Corn, from One Bushel to Ten Quarters, at Twenty and Twenty-One to the Score, VI. A List of the Peers and Baronets in this County; with a List of the Clergy of the two Cathedrals of Canterbury and Rochester. Vii. List of the Mayors, Aldermon, Jurats, Commoners, and other Officers of the respective Corporations in this County. Viii. List of the Officers in the Royal Hospital of Greenwich, and all the Dock-Yards in this County. IX. Abstract of the Highway Act, the stated Duties required, and the Tolls payable on different Weights; the Land Tax paid each Year from the Revolution to 1772.
Social Sciences
printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby, at Canterbury; T. Fisher, at Rochester; and by all the booksellers in the county of Kent