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headpiece, cherub, trumpet, music, instruments, foliage

Reasons against matrimony; being a survey of the isle of marriage. OR, A New and Accurate Description of all the Provinces, Districts, Ports, Towns, Rivers, Policy, and Government, of that vast and populous Country. Containing A particular Account of its various Inhabitants under the following Heads; The Discreet, the Prudes, the Ill matched, the Ill-at-Ease, the Jealous, the Cuckolds, whether Contented, Frantick, Imaginary, or Incredulous; and the Inhabitants of the two little Districts of Divorce and Widowhood; as also some Remarks on the two Islands of Polygamy, and of Love. With Useful Directions and Cautions how to avoid the many dangerous Precipices, Torrents, Morasses and Quicksands, wherewith the Island of Marriage abounds, and wherein so many Thousands who have undertaken the Voyage have miserably perish'd. To which is prefix'd, A Dissuasive from Matrimony, in an Epistle Dedicatory to Caelia.
Literature and Language
London: printed. And re-printed in Dublin, by George Faulkner, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge