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The town and country jester; or, a new fund of genuine wit and good humour. Containing the most complete, rational, merry, diverting, and humourous collection of agreeable entertainment for winter evenings and a leisure Hour, ever before published in the English Language. Among the Originals which chiefly compose this Work, and which are the Productions of the first Geniuses of the present Age, will be found the greatest and best selected Variety of Good Sayings Witty Jests Bon Mots Repartees Jokes Puns Bulls Quibbles Tales Stories Adventures Narrations Anecdotes Waggeries Double Entendics Hob Nobs Whims Frolicks Humbugs Witticisms Fables Smart Observations Ingenious Flights, &c. Likewise excellent Conundrums, Epigrams, Rebusses, Epitaphs, Merry Poems, &c. And a capital List of the best Toasts and Sentiments now used in public and private Companies by Persons of both Sexes. Together with The complete English songster; being a choice collection of all the most esteemed new songs, now Sung at Vauxhall, Ranelagh, the London Theatres, and other Assemblies, throughout the Kingdom.
Literature and Language
printed for Alex. Hogg, no. 16, and J. Macgowan, no. 27, in Paternoster-Row