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The new pocket dictionary of the French and English languages, Containing All Words of general Use and authorized by the best Writers. Carefully compiled from the most approved Dictionaries French and English, particularly from that of the Royal Academy at Paris. By Thomas Nugent, LL.D. To which are added upwards of thirteen thousand words, besides a very useful supplement, containing the Names of the most remarkable Empires, Kingdoms, States, Islands, Provinces, Cities, Mountains, Seas, Gulphs, Straits, Rivers, &c. The Names of ancient and modern Nations; together with the Names of remarkable Men, Women, Surnames of Sovereigns, &c. both in French and English: which will prove of great Use to those who read or translate History, Geography, Mithology, Poetry, &c. and are not to be found in any other French and English Dictionaries now extant. By J. S. Charrier, Teacher of the French Language. ...
Nugent, Thomas (1700?-1772)
Literature and Language