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Profit and pleasure united, or, The husbandman's magazene. Being a most exact treatise of horses, mares, colts, bulls, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, swine, goats, and all other domestick cattle, serviceable, profitable, or usefull to man: ... together with easie and plain rules and methods for improving arrable and pasture-lands, and the like: improving most sorts of grain to the best advantage; and what is necessary to be observed in sowing and harvesting: the management, improvement and preservation of fruit-trees, plants and flowers: the manner of ordering flax, hemp, safforn and licrish: with directions for the increasing and preserving of bees, and many other things of the like nature. To which is added the art of angling, hunting, hawking, and the noble rcreation [sic] of ringing. and making fireworks. The whole elusterated with copper cuts. By J.S.
J. S.
General Reference
printed for S. Lee at the Feathers in Lombard-street. And Andr. Thorncome, at the Golden Leg, on London-Bridge