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The three distinct knocks, or the door of the most antient free-masonary, opening to all men, neither naked nor cloath'd, Bare-Foot nor Shod, &c. being an universal description of all its branches, from Its first Rise to this present Time, As it is delivered in all Lodges: Giving an exact Account of all their Proceedings in making a Brother, with the Three Obligations or Oaths belonging to the First Second, and Third Degrees of Masonry, viz. The Enter'd Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master-Mason; with the Obligation belonging to the Chair, and the Gripe and Word. Also, Full Descriptions of the Drawing upon the Floor of the Lodge, with the Three Steps, and a Prayer used at the making of a Brother; with Songs to be sung after grave Business is done, and the Examination of a Brother, whereby he may get Admittance into a Lodge, without going through the Obligations. With, The Author's Reasons for opening the Door of Masonry to all the World: Also the Character of some Masters of Lodges at this Time. By W- O- V-n. Member of a Lodge in England at this Time.
V-n, W- O-
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Thomas Wilkinson, Bookseller and Stationer, (no. 40) Winetavern-Street, Corner of Cook-Street: Where may be had all Kind of School-Books, Novels, Histories, Plays, Merchants Account-Books, with every Article in the Stationary Way