Ornament Details
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A collection of poems, by a young lady.
printed at the Phoenix Printing-Office. By Gillman and Etherington, and sold by J. Evans, No. 32, Pater Noster Row, London; Gillman and Etherington; and Townson, Chatham; Tracy, Brompton; Simmons and Co. and Bristow, Canterbury; Blake, and Walker, Maidstone; Wise, and Knight, Tonbridge; Clout, Sevenoaks; Ledger, Dover; Burgess, Ramsgate; Silver, and Hall, Margate; and by Clacker, Chelmsford, Essex. [and 2 in Canterbury; 2 in Maidstone; 2 in Tonbridge; 1 in Sevenoaks; 1 in Dover; 1 in Ramsgate; 2 i Margate; 1 in Chelmsford]