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The london and country brewer. Containing an Account I. Of the Nature of the Barley-Corn, and of the proper Soils and Manures for the Improvement thereof. II. Of making Good Malts. III. To know Good from Bad Malts. IV. Of the Use of the Pale, Amber, and Brown Malts. V. Of the Nature of several Waters, and their Use in Brewing. VI. Of Grinding Malts. Vii. Of Brewing in general. Viii. Of the London Method of Brewing Stout, Butt-Beer, Pale and Brown Ales. IX. Of the Country or Private Way of Brewing. X. Of the Nature and Use of the Hop. XI. Of Boiling Malt - Liquors, and to Brew a Quantity of Drink in a little Room, and with a few Tubs. XII. Of Foxing or Tainting of Malt - Liquors; their Prevention and Cure. XIII. Of Fermenting and Working of Beeks and Ales, and the unwholesome Practice of Beating in the Yeast, detected. XIV. Of several Artificial Lees for Feeding, Fining, Preserving, and Relishing Malt-Liquors. XV. Of several Pernicious Ingredients put into Malt-Liquors to increase their Strength. XVI. Of the Cellar or Vault for keeping Beers and Ales. XVII. Of Sweetening and Cleaning Casks. XVIII. Of Bunging Casks and Carrying them to some Distance. XIX. Of the Age and Strength of Malt-Liquors. XX. Of the Profit and Pleasure of Private Brewing, and the Charge of Buying Malt-Liquors. To which is added, A Philosophical Account of Brewing strong October Beer. By a Person formerly concerned in a Common Brewhouse at London, but for Twenty Years past has resided in the Country.
Ellis, William, brewer
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for Thomas Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard