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A hind let loose: or, an historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland, for the interest of Christ; with the true State thereof in all its Periods: Together with A Vindication of the present Testimony against the Popish, Prelatical, and malignant Enemies of that Church, as it is now stated, for the Prerogatives of Christ, Privileges of the Church, and Liberties of Mankind, and sealed by the Sufferings of a reproached Remnant of Presbyterians there, witnessing against the Corruptions of the Time; Wherein Several Controversies of greatest Consequence are enquired into, and in some measure cleared; concerning hearing of the Curates, owning of the present Tyranny, taking of ensnaring Oaths and Bonds, frequenting of Field-Meetings, defensive Resistence of tyrannical Violence, with several other subordinate Questions useful for these Times. By Mr. Alexander Shiels, Minister of the Gospel in St. Andrews.
Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700)
Religion and Philosophy
reprinted by R. Drummond and Company, and sold by William Gray, Bookbinder in the Grassmarket, and several others, &c.